Geothermal Energy in Ireland & the GEOFIT Solution

On January 24th was held at National University of Ireland, Galway, a CPD Event open to the public on Geothermal Energy in Ireland and the solution of the GEOFIT project. The presentation was led by Ric Pasquali, President of the Irish Geothermal Association, and followed by talks on the GEOFIT project by Thomas Messervey from R2M and Gisela Soley from COMSA.

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On Forecasting Energy Demand in Buildings

Article by Eurecat

Building Energy Demand Forecast Methodology (EDCE)

For the optimal sizing and determination of the HVAC system in a building, the precise calculation of the energy demand is an essential task, especially in cases of geothermal installations, due to the fact that the effort and the costs of any afterwards modification are high. Thus, the initial calculation and dimensioning of the installation are crucial to guarantee that the expected system’s performance is achieved.

Nowadays, the dimensioning of a building’s installation can be made in 3 different ways: i) The use of empirical methods based on energy demand estimations, ii) use of real operation energy consumption profiles (acquired by the building’s SCADA system), or iii) use of detailed building energy simulations to accurately characterize the energy requirement of the building.

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Workshop in Perugia

From November 21 to December 6, 2018, a workshop was held at the Perugia demonstration site with the following objectives: to establish a channel of communication with local stakeholders, define their needs and requirements, include them in the design and finally gather information on the existing building. The workshop was conducted mainly with people who are directly involved in the building.

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GEOFIT General Assembly in Sant Cugat

The GEOFIT consortium successfully held the General Assembly on 12 and 13 November 2018, in Sant Cugat del Vallès. The meeting was kindly organized by L’ Ajuntament de Sant Cugat, who also organized a valuable historical visit to the Sant Cugat Monastery, an on-site inspection of the pilot school site “Els Pins” and an amazing team-building dinner.

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Geofit at Sustainable Places 2018

Sustainable Places is an annual international conference who gathers stakeholders from leading organizations around the world to advance the state of art and play in one of the greatest challenges that our societies and their urban planners have ever faced: The need to enhance the sustainability of places ensuring long-term environmental security.

Specifically, the event is focused on the commercial, technological and scientific intersections between Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) and the collaborating smart grids, policies, construction actors, and forward-thinking communities.

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GEOFIT Kick Off Meeting

GEOFIT project started successfully in May 2018, our kick-off meeting took place in Bruxelles on May, 15th and 16th. GEOFIT is a brand new Horizon2020 project about geothermal retrofitting of buildings, co-founded by the European Commission in the framework of LCE-17-2017 “Easier to install and more efficient geothermal systems for retrofitting buildings”.

Geofit KoM Welcome

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Geofit’s Website just launched!

We have just launched Geofit Project website. This first version contains basic information about the project, and it’s mostly text-based, but we will be adding new graphic content and improving its appearance in the following weeks.

In fact, according to the work plan, the date for delivering the website was October 2018, but we’ve decided to have an operative version of the website as soon as possible.

Also our social networks won’t be operative until we have our communication plan ready (or at least an advanced draft), which should be around August 2018.

Thanks for visiting us, stay tuned for the smart geothermal technologies!