Pilot Sites
GEOFIT is being successfully implemented in 5 pilot sites in Ireland, Italy, France, and Spain. The demonstration sites are open case studies representing various climates and situations found throughout Europe, with different building types and different soil conditions.

IUT CIVIL ENGINEERING / Shallow earth energy baskets and hybrid heat pump. A high level of instrumentation, monitoring, and control enables the pilot to conduct a robust assessment of the deployed system.
Manager: NBK.
Industrial Partners Involved: IDP, ILECO, FAHR, COMS, IDSGEO.
Innovation Level: 2.

Pilot description
Location: Bordeaux, France.
Typology / Use: Tertiary / Educational.
Year of Construction: 2003.
Geofit Area: Four areas located on the first floor: corridor with stairs 79,50 m2; director’s office 48,80 m2; conference room 215 m2; office 45,75 m2.
Climate Condition: Continental.
Existing HVAC System: Central heating network. Gas boiler independent from the central heating for the conference room and the corridor (radiators; floor heating in the conference room). Heat pump for cooling the rooms on the first floor with fan coils. Dual flow air handling unit.
Geological Data: Coarse sands and gravels (first 10m).
Total Energy Consumption: 48 kWh/m2/year.

Geofit System
Simulation and Demand Modelling: Heating load = 20 kW (corridor and conference room); Cooling load = 15 kW (office, conference room and director’s office).
Drilling / Excavation: Shallow excavation – 2 energy baskets ground heat exchangers and 1 vertical borehole (100 m deep).
Ground Source Heat Pump: Reversible hybrid heat pump driven by electricity and gas, adsorption and compression heat pump (gas boiler and buffer tank, adsorption unit, chiller unit). Power output: 15 kW heating; 15 kW cooling. Refrigerant with low GWP (water and propane). HP operational control system integrated.
BEMS: Heat pump operational control system independent from existing BEMS.