CEN Workshop Kick-off Meeting

The consortium of the GEOFIT H2020 project, funded by the EU, has been working during 4 years on an integrated industrially driven action aimed at the deployment of cost effective enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) on energy efficient building retrofitting. This action includes the use of 5 demonstration sites as open case studies in 4 CEN member states and corresponding different climates, featuring different representative technical scenarios/business models.

The creation of a CEN Workshop to develop specific guidelines that aid to the viable and cost-effective use of advanced enhanced geothermal systems was identified by the project consortium as a very useful way to disseminate the GEOFIT project findings and results, in accordance with the dissemination activities carried out to facilitate the acceptance and utilization by the market of the developed solutions through the interaction with the standardization system.

Thanks to the project partner UNE, the CEN Workshop on ‘Design and installation guidelines for a building retrofitting concept based on EGS’ held its kick-off meeting last Tuesday March 29th, 2022.

The kick-off started with a brief presentation of all participants, followed by an introduction of the CEN/CENELEC and the Workshop concept. Several interested stakeholders were invited, and Marco Calderoni, as Geofit coordinator, gave a brief introduction of the project.

The Workshop structure was approved during the meeting (Marco Calderoni from R2M as WS chairperson, Ana Benedicto from UNE as WS secretariat, and Antonio Galindo from COMSA as the leader of the document writing, together will all WS participants – Geofit partners and open to everyone).

The main objective is to publish the CENELEC Workshop Agreement (CWA) by October 2022. During the kick-off, participants held first discussions on the first draft of the CWA.

For more information on the project plan, visit https://www.cencenelec.eu/news-and-events/news/2022/workshop/2022-02-25-egs/

Ajuntament de Sant Cugat and Women in Geothermal, fourth interview of the series with Anna Mundet

Ajuntament de Sant Cugat (AJSC) has brought one of the demonstration sites to the Geofit project: Els Pins Vallès School. Some years ago, Ajuntament de Sant Cugat defined the goal of becoming a ‘Smart City’ and this is why it strengthens its focus on innovation based on public-private partnerships, with a strong commitment to testing and deploying forward-thinking solutions, together with private companies. The city has broad experience in successful implementation of full-scale pilots in the city of the winning solutions, in order to evaluate the impact and to lead to broader implementation. 

Anna Mundet has been a key figure in the succesful implementation of the Geofit system at Els Pins Vallès school in Sant Cugat. She is technical engineer in industrial chemistry and works in the Municipal Building Maintenance Department, in the Urban Quality and Mobility Management Area. She defines herself as a person who loves learning new technologies and doing different things at work. She explains her experience in Geofit and the most interesting aspects of working with geothermal technologies.

‘…after working in geothermal technologies research and innovation, this is my first geothermal installation… it is interesting to know the performance of this new system and see if it can be implemented in other public buildings… and what’s more important is that these enhanced geothermal systems can be implemented in existing buildings…’

UNIPG and Women in Geothermal, third interview of the series with Dr. Ing. Anna Laura Pisello

The Engineering School of the Università degli Studi di Perugia (UNIPG) provides training and research activities in the fields of structural, environmental and energy engineering. CIRIAF is an interuniversity research centre funded in 1997 whose objectives are: to promote research on environmental sustainability, renewables and energy efficiency, pollution and its effects on the environment; and to foster activities for the participation in international research programmes.

CIRIAF team brings its expertise in energy systems to the project and manages one of the Geofit pilots represented by an historical building located in the Sant’Apollinare Fortress. 

Dr. Ing. Anna Laura Pisello, PhD in Energy engineering and assistant professor of environmental applied physics with more than five years of experience at UNIPG, explains her role in Geofit and what drew her to this line of work, energy-related.

‘…probably my passion for environmental sustainability and how we can make a change thanks to the improvements in energy efficiency but also human comfort level in the built environment…’

CEN Workshop on ‘Design and installation guidelines for a building retrofitting concept based on EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems)’

GEOFIT partners identified the creation of a CEN workshop as a useful way to disseminate the GEOFIT project findings and results in accordance with the dissemination activities carried out to facilitate the acceptance and utilization by the market of the developed solutions through the interaction with the standardization system.

Thanks to the participation of UNE, the CEN Workshop on ‘Design and installation guidelines for a building retrofitting concept based on EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems)’ is a reality, and the kick-off meeting will be held on March 29th, 2022, from 9.00 to 12.30.

The scope of the Workshop is to develop specific guidelines that aid to the viable and cost effective use of advanced EGS by introducing a novel concept on building retrofitting based on geothermal energy and EGS, through the integration and validation of a suite of technologies, tools and methods facilitating their easy application and massive deployment.

Event information

Date: 29th March, 2022

Time: Online from 9.00 to 12.30 CET

Agenda: You can find the project plan, full programme and more information for registration here

Buffer tank (Sant Cugat pilot)
Boreholes drilling (Sant Cugat pilot)

CNR-ITAE and Women in Geothermal, second interview of the series with Valeria Palomba

The Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies (ITAE) was established in Messina in 1980 by the National Council of Research (CNR), the main Italian research public organization. ITAE has long experience in environmentally friendly production, storage and use of energy, and has been contributing to development and penetration of technologies related to energy saving, low polluting energy production, renewable energy sources, hydrogen and fuel cells in Italy and Europe since the early 80’s.

In the field of thermally driven adsorption heat pumps and chillers, ITAE research activity in GEOFIT concerns several fields, covering different levels of development of the adsorption machine. Valeria Palomba, graduated in Materials Engineering at the University of Messina and working at ITAE, is one of the women actively participating in the project, and her work is focused on the development of thermal systems for energy conversion storage.

In this interview, Valeria Palomba talks about the challenges for women within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields.

“…GEOFIT is deploying and demonstrating on the operational field different heating and cooling solutions exploiting geothermal energy as a source, so this project is important because we will have five operational sites where the potential of geothermal energy will be demonstrated…”

UNE and Women in Geothermal, first interview of the series with Ana Benedicto

GEOFIT Project is a reference project where Women have an important role in different aspects covering technical and scientific. Ana Benedicto starts this series of interviews where GEOFIT Project will deliver several experiences and expectations from the Women participating.

Wait for the request to be processed. The processing of the questionnaire takes some time, the chat is also not answered quickly. After three days I began fildena to panic a little, because the pills from the stockpile were coming to an end. On the fourth or fifth day I got a reply from support saying that there were a lot of requests and they were answering with a delay. Then they confirmed that they could prescribe the medication I had previously taken and indicated in the form.

GEOFIT at the World Geothermal Congress 2020+1

The GEOFIT project was recently presented at the World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 on 26th October in Reykjavík, Iceland. Around 300 people attended the conference across its 3-day duration (25-27 October), and there were 31 participating European-funded research projects (GEOFIT + 30 others) represented in the European Research & Innovation Pavilion organized by the GEOTHERMICA Project (Grant agreement ID: 731117). The pavilion has a dedicated website, and Twitter handle. The pavilion highlighted Research & Innovation European project’s cooperation, displaying the research outcomes, and boosting the positive impact on geothermal needs and untapped energy. There was an opening speech at the Pavilion by EC Project Officer Ms. Filipa Vieira Matias. The GEOFIT presentation was delivered by Zia Lennard of R2M Solution, and after a general introduction of the project it focused on briefing the 5 Pilots and the various tools and methods being utilized within the project. The presentation was recorded and images of the slides are shown below.

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WGC 2020+1 had a limited focus on shallow geothermal for low temperature heating and cooling. However, in that regard hopefully the onsite GEOFIT presentation and the associated earlier virtual presentation delivered by Michael Lauermann and Edith Haslinger of the Austrian Institute of Technology raised awareness to the innovativeness of technology coupling at system level, as well as the wide potential and positive socioeconomic impact of geothermal technologies for building renovation for the attendees of the conference, market players, and scientific researchers.

Iceland has a total installed geothermal power generation capacity of 755 MW and is among the top 10 countries in the world when it comes to electricity generation from geothermal. In terms of direct use, Iceland has developed into a role model both with its extensive use for district heating (90% of all homes are heated by geothermal energy), but also in the cascaded use of geothermal heat for bathing and swimming, greenhouse operations, fish farming and more. Moreover, the potential impact of GEOFIT was very apparent when seeing how all homes and buildings in Iceland used to be heated by direct use of geothermal steam, as illustrated in the image below.



The GEOFIT consortium celebrated its 8th General Assembly in person in the city of Perugia for three days. This time and after a long lockdown for the project consortium, the partners joined the meeting in the University of Perugia headquarters (Universidad degli Studi de Perugia). This General Assembly represents a big milestone within the project because of the Pilot leaded by the University of Perugia is now running, and the installation and commissioning processes have been successfully completed.

The partners presented their progress regarding the different work packages and explained the work done during the last months after the 7th General Assembly held remotely in May 2021.

GEOFIT Project Partners at University of Perugia

For the restrictions already existing as consequence of COVID_19 pandemic, some partners attended the meeting remotely. This situation did not represent any inconvenient to review the project progress and plan the next steps towards the project closing next year.

The different Work Packages and deliverables are in a very finished status according to the work plan. The meeting had a big issue to discuss in terms of the demo sites progress, to this respect, the pilot owners showed the results obtained during this period. For Bordeaux demo site the drilling works are finished, and the installation of geothermal systems (EGS) is planned to be done the week before Christmas. The commissioning is planned to be performed during the Q1 2022. Regarding the Sant Cugat demo site, the control system must be completed in December 2021 and the commissioning of the geothermal system is planned for the third week of January 2022, while the passive cooling system will be installed in Easter 2022. With respect to Galway demo site, the first heat pump has been produced and sent, the other one will be ready in early February 2022 while some other aspects of the works to be performed on the site are being solved. In Aran demo site, the drilling works have been done, and the insulation material is being installed in the house.

One of the main objectives of the meeting at Perugia has been the visit to the first demo site completed. This visit to Sant’ Apollinare was really satisfactory as the results of the project have been successfully presented by Anna Laura Pisello and Jessica Romanelli from University of Perugia.

Visit to Sant’ Apollinare – Perugia Demo site of GEOFIT Project

Besides the technical development and piloting of the project, the consortium agreed to reinforce the dissemination and publicity actions of the different technologies used in the project. To this respect, a benchmarking tool will be published as web-tool – to be embedded in the GEOFIT website.

Finally, the participation in several reference congresses and events are important actions that will be continued in 2022. As a GROENHOLLAND initiative, the project will be present in the European Geothermal Congress and also as panel expert in Berlin in October 2022. Some partners like AIT, EURECAT, NUIG and IDP have submitted abstracts for the Congress. The consortium will also be present at GeoTherm Congress in Offenburg – Germany at the beginning of 2022. A stand to exhibit the different technologies developed in GEOFIT will be available.

Visit to the technical room at Sant’ Apollinare – Perugia

Works in Aran pilot site start!

The GEOFIT project landed on the Aran Islands and is retrofitting a house by means of a geothermal heat pump!

The Spanish drilling company Catalana de Perforacions arrived on site with their equipment and will drill a 100 m borehole in the house’s garden.

GEOFIT is showcasing the added value of geothermal heating and cooling in different kinds of buildings across Europe. The Aran demonstration site is the only one addressing a residential home.

After drilling the borehole, the existing radiators will be partially replaced by a low temperature underfloor heating system which runs at lower temperature, thereby improving the efficiency of the heat pump.

Shipment of Catalana de Perforacions equipment to the Aran islands
Ready to start the drilling works at the only residential GEOFIT pilot

Meet our partners: Ochsner

This interview is part of a series! You can see all our partner interviews here.

Ochsner Wärmepumpen (OCHSNER) was founded in 1978 as one of the first companies in Europe to produce heat pumps on an industrial scale, being a well-known producer of innovative heat pump systems covering all types of heat sources and capacities ranging from 2 to 1.600 kW.

In GEOFIT, they are responsible for several innovations with regards to optimising the design of heat pumps. These innovations have never been applied in heat pumps design and sizing and they will allow to decrease the environmental footprint while in parallel making heat pumps more affordable so that they can compete against non-renewable technologies.

One of the innovations, in collaboration with AIT, regards the design of an innovative, electrically-driven heat pump system with low/medium GWP synthetic refrigerant, which in turn makes a more cost-effective use of heat exchangers (HEX). They have also contributed to new methods to calculate heat pump sizing requirements which have been implemented within the IDDS framework used to design our pilot sites. This new methods will prevent oversizing of the heat pump component in geothermal systems which often results in non-optimal efficiencies/return on investment and can decrease the competitiveness of geothermal technologies with respect to competing systems.

These innovations have never been applied in heat pumps design and sizing and they will allow to decrease the environmental footprint while in parallel making heat pumps more affordable so that they can compete against non-renewable technologies.

In this interview, Oschner founder Dipl. Ing. ETH Karl Ochsner talks about the benefits of using the heat pumps in geothermal retrofitting, how projects like GEOFIT can connect themselves to the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), and its impact on the market and the environment.