The intent of WP6 is to carry out an assessment of the different scenarios and to demonstrate the economic feasibility of the GEOFIT developments thanks to structural and HEX/EGS retrofitting. These goals shall be reached out through the implementation of a so called GEOBIM platform. Taking advantage of its capabilities regarding the data integration and visualization, the GEOBIM platform
provides the following functionalities:
• the tracking of the construction processes
• the related costs of the construction (retrofitting) projects,
• the energy demand/production (from estimations and simulations data),
• the efficiency & sustainability of the new systems installed
• and the Assets Management/Maintenance
Moreover, through this tool, this WP will allow all necessary stakeholders within the GEOFIT project to take part in the decision-making, development, and assessment in a user-friendly, easy, and efficient way thanks to the use of open format and cloud applications.
This deliverable D6.5 defines the first stage of implementation of the GEOBIM platform by applying BIM methodology following open standards such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and in accordance with European BIM standard-specification organisation such as the OGC, BuildingSmart, etc.
Category: Public Results
D5.2 Report on Improvement Contributions of the LTH/HTC System
This report provides description of the thermal comfort effects of the proposed low-temperature heating (LTH) and high-temperature cooling (HTC) systems in the pilot sites of Aran Islands and Sant Cugat. The pilot sites, the studied heating and cooling systems and the used modelling software are described. Suggested LTH and HTC systems are simulated and the results are compared with a baseline scenario. The results are presented and discussed. The simulations show that in the case of Aran Islands, the suggested hybrid heating system could potentially improve the thermal comfort of the occupants significantly while reducing the required supply temperature. In the case of Sant
Cugat, the results show that installing either of the studied types of cooling systems would clearly improve the thermal comfort of the occupants, with the radiant cooling system slightly outperforming an all-air system. Real-life performance evaluations will be included after the studied system being installed in pilots in the next version of the deliverable.
D3.6 Model Environment for Different Types of Novel Ground Heat Exchangers
The goal of WP3 is to develop an integrated design framework for novel ground (slinky/earth basket) type shallow heat exchangers. This design framework, based on existing and new models of heat transfer and on experimental data, will be implemented in a design- and engineering calculation tool to support the implementation of these new technologies in the market.
This deliverable provides a description of the engineering tool developed in WP3. The purpose of the engineering tool is to provide a consolidated methodology for the design of different ground heat exchangers. The engineering tool provides:
- Calculation of the temperature response of different types of ground heat exchangers to an energy load.
- Methods for sizing of different types of ground heat exchangers.
- Calculation of pressure drop in the ground heat exchanger.
- User interface to select and define the ground heat exchanger and associated parameters, present results of the design calculations and a framework for project / design management.
The engineering tool has been developed in the python programming language. The tool has been validated by comparison with other calculation methods and by comparing with data collected in the Geofit project by partner AIT.
The design framework (deliverable D3.2) defined the goals of the (thermal and hydraulic) design (especially sizing) of the ground source heat exchanger, as a function of different boundary conditions (building energy demand, soil thermal parameters, required system performance etc.). The engineering tool provides the calculation methods for the overall system design and will support the engineer in the choices of heat exchanger technology (vertical, horizontal or earth basket/slinky) and other design parameterizations.
This deliverable describes the engineering tool developed in WP3, this version (October 2020) provides background information on the core of the engineering tool, specifically the different calculation modules as well as a first draft of the design project relational database and graphical user interface.
It is the first implementation of a tool that allows all different types of ground heat exchangers to be evaluated in one consolidated environment.
D6.2 – HEX/EGS Systems Components BIM Libraries
The intent of WP6 is to carry out an assessment of the different scenarios and to demonstrate the economic feasibility of the GEOFIT developments thanks to structural and HEX/EGS retrofitting. These goals shall be reached out through the implementation of a so called GEOBIM platform. Taking advantage of its capabilities regarding the data acquisition the GEOBIM platform provides, in addition, the control over the construction processes, their related costs, the energy demand/production and efficiency & sustainability and Asset Management/Maintenance, amongst others. Moreover, through this tool, this WP will allow all necessary stakeholders within the GEOFIT project to take part in the decision-making, development and assessment in a user-friendly, easy and efficient way thanks to the use of open format and cloud applications.
This deliverable D6.2 defines the first stage at implementing the GEOBIM platform by applying BIM methodology following open standards such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and in accordance with European BIM standard-specification organisation such as the OGC, BuildingSmart, etc.
This document is the first draft of Deliverable D6.4 and will be completed in month 24 as soon as the demo-sites’ demonstration and validation stage is running as it is stated in WP7.
D4.1 – Options and selections of heating/cooling components for geothermal retrofitting
This report provides description of the modelling work conducted on the pilot sites of Perugia and Sant Cugat. The pilot sites, the studied heating and cooling systems and the used modelling software are described. Suggested low temperature heating and high temperature cooling system designs are simulated and in the case of Sant Cugat, the results are compared with the current situation and a comparable alternative. The results are presented and discussed.
In the pilot site Perugia, the model was created to be used as a design tool by other partners in the project. In the pilot site Sant Cugat, the simulations show that for the primary school a low temperature heating system coupled with mechanical ventilation would improve indoor air quality with heating demand similar to the current system. For the sports pavilion a clear preference could not be established. The results also show that a high temperature cooling system would be a viable alternative for the administrative building and drastically reduce thermal discomfort. Finally, it was found that a comparative state-of-the-art all-air system that would achieve similar comfort would result in higher heating and cooling demand in all cases. The future works in this task will include work on the Aran Islands pilot.
D3.1 – Design methodologies strengths and weaknesses
In this deliverable the main fundamental processes of heat transport relevant to the ground heat exchangers have been described. For the purpose of the project, only heat transport due to conduction will be considered in detail.
There is abundant literature concerning methods to calculate the thermal response of ground heat exchangers and design. Using a few selected references an introduction to analytical and numerical methods is presented. A description of the different implementations of analytical and numerical modeling and design software codes is presented as well.
The different methods are classified for strengths and weaknesses based on criteria including methodology, complexity, number of input parameters required, processes considered, flexibility with regard to geology and parameters relating to the actual ground heat exchanger. The aim has not been to arrive at a ranking, but only at an overview of the capabilities of the codes and the ease or complexity of use. Cost is of course also an important aspect but is currently not included.
Based on the overview of different methodologies and implementations a roadmap for the development of the GHEX engineering tool within the work package has been defined. This roadmap is based on the expertise of the different partners and works from a detailed level, using the results to derive simplified models that can be integrated into a final engineering design tool.
D2.1 – Geothermal – IDM for Drilling Processes
This document (D2.1) states the Geothermal Information Delivery Manual (IDM) for drilling processes involved in the GEOFIT project. The IDM for drilling processes specifies an integrated reference tool to collect the information and data from the different processes involved during drilling operations performance required by the GEOBIM model proposed in the project. The specification of an IDM for GEOFIT project and the need of providing an integrated model for drilling processes is one of the main outcomes of this deliverable as it is a very complex environment. The data acquisition processes and data workflows are produced in real time conditions and different data formats may be found. Within the GEOBIM project context, the IDM is aimed at providing the unified reference for the processes and data required by BIM by identifying the discrete processes that must be undertaken during drilling operations, the information required for their execution and the results obtained from these operations. In general terms, this IDM represents a real challenge because it must specify:
- How drilling processes fit the global GEOBIM model and how relevant they are;
- Who are the actors creating, consuming and benefitting from the data collected during drilling;
- What is the final valuable information created and to be used;
- How this amount of data shall be supported by virtual tools and software.
D1.3 – Simulation List of Interoperability Issues
Building retrofitting using geothermal equipment is a complex problem involving multiple thermal systems. At the design step, engineers need to evaluate building thermal performance, to size heating/cooling emission components, to design the Ground Sourced Heat Pump, etc. During operational and post occupancy steps, models are required to validate the performance of the design, or to perform fault detection to facilitate maintenance. Most of these tasks require numerical models to perform prediction or to guide the decisions.
The GeoFit project gathers a lot of partners with strong knowledge in different technologies. The Research and Development tasks are split in several work packages according to the different parts of the global system (building envelope, heat pump, ground heat exchanger, Building Energy Management System). For each work package, partners bring, or develop specific models that help the design, or assess the performance of the future building. A total of 6 main models has been identified and are presented in this document.
In order to have a global picture of a retrofitting project, most of the models will have to collaborate, or to exchange information. Therefore, this document has 3 objectives:
- To give an overview of all the numerical models developed in GeoFit: their purpose, their complexity, the required inputs and the desired outputs.
- To “place” the models in a typical retrofitting design process: when a model should be used, and what are the required information to perform simulation.
- To show the level of interaction between the models: describe which model requires input from another model, or which model need to collaborate or to perform “cosimulation”.
Finally, the last chapter describes how these models will be integrated in the GeoBIM platform.
D1.2 – Detailed guidelines of the processes to be developed for the general geothermal based retrofitting solution: Workflow and dataflow.
This deliverable presents detailed guidelines to be developed for the general geothermal based retrofitting solutions: workflows and data flows. It consists in the implementation within a project delivery organization of the principles detailed in the previous deliverable (D1.1: Description of the general IDDS framework). It is also used as a basis for identifying the data that will be shared between the different actors during the different design stages. These works particularly useful to ensure the interoperability of models which is covered in the deliverable D1.3. It also provides the global basis to develop the BIM Execution plan in WP6.
After a reminder of the main stakeholders categories and stages of a retrofitting project, several workflows are presented to explain the specificity of IDDS approach for the GEOFIT solutions, compared with “business as usual” methods.
More detailed elements about the implementation of IDDS in a practical project are shown in a more detailed workflow based on the example of the French demo site.
These guidelines are to be adopted by GEOFIT demonstrations, but are also aimed to inspire further projects beyond GEOFIT.
D1.1 – Description of the general IDDS framework and collaborative organisation for GEOFIT project
This deliverable aims first to highlight the different approaches of integrated design & delivery methods, based on different roles and responsibilities for both suppliers and clients, including all the technical fields involved in the process of a geothermal system development (drilling processes, Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform design, HVAC system design, heat exchangers (HEX) component design, building integration, etc.).
The GEOFIT project aims to foster collaboration in the building value chain. This will be achieved by leading a collaborative project delivery in retrofitting projects, in terms of energy, cost efficiency and overall sustainability in order to minimise risks, optimise costs and avoid failures.
The outcomes of this deliverable will provide a solid basis for other tasks in the project, especially about:
• Collaborating people: the workshops proposed here initiate and provide guidelines for the collaborative work among the stakeholders of each GEOFIT retrofitting site, similarly to what could be ideally done in a real-world implementation of and IDDS framework in an energy retrofitting project.
• Integrated process: General workflows and data flow for the demonstration activities, to be adapted and detailed later for each demo site context and specificities.
• Interoperable technologies to be adapted to any geothermal retrofitting context: sets of models used during the integrated design process (selection of the models, description of the corresponding methods, coupling and interactions).