D6.2 – HEX/EGS Systems Components BIM Libraries

The intent of WP6 is to carry out an assessment of the different scenarios and to demonstrate the economic feasibility of the GEOFIT developments thanks to structural and HEX/EGS retrofitting. These goals shall be reached out through the implementation of a so called GEOBIM platform. Taking advantage of its capabilities regarding the data acquisition the GEOBIM platform provides, in addition, the control over the construction processes, their related costs, the energy demand/production and efficiency & sustainability and Asset Management/Maintenance, amongst others. Moreover, through this tool, this WP will allow all necessary stakeholders within the GEOFIT project to take part in the decision-making, development and assessment in a user-friendly, easy and efficient way thanks to the use of open format and cloud applications.

This deliverable D6.2 defines the first stage at implementing the GEOBIM platform by applying BIM methodology following open standards such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and in accordance with European BIM standard-specification organisation such as the OGC, BuildingSmart, etc.

This document is the first draft of Deliverable D6.4 and will be completed in month 24 as soon as the demo-sites’ demonstration and validation stage is running as it is stated in WP7.