On Site Monitoring During Nearby Drilling Operations Toward a Geothermal Power System Installation

Scientific Paper published at Smart Structures and Systems, volume 30, issue 3 2022

Title: On site monitoring during nearby drilling operations toward a geothermal power system installation

Language: English

Authors: D. Bortoluzzi (*1), S. Casciati (*1), Lucia Favarelli (*1), M. Francolini (*2)

*2: Formerly SIART, SRL

Abstract: Among the approaches to the production of “green” energy, geothermal power systems are becoming quite popular in Europe. Their installation in existing buildings requires an extended, external pipes appendix whose laying operation needs a drilling activities nearby structural skeletons often designed to support static loads only, especially when ancient buildings are targeted {#7}. This contribution reports and discusses the experimental results achieved within a specific case study within the European project GEOFIT. In particular, standard accelerometric measurements in and nearby a single-story reinforced concrete building are collected and analysed in the absence of drilling (pre-drilling) and during drilling activities (drilling phase) to monitor the structure response to the external source of vibrations related to the excavations phase. The target is to outline automatic guidelines toward installations preventing from any sort of structural damage.

Raw data is available for download here.

The Problem of Geothermal Power Installation on Buildings: Structural Building Monitoring and Assessment During Drilling Activities

Conference paper presented in EACS 2022 – The 7th European Conference on Structural Control held July 10th-13th 2022 in Warsaw, Poland.

Title: The problem of geothermal power installation on buildings: structural building monitoring and assessment during drilling activities

Language: English

Authors: D. Bortoluzzi (*1), S. Casciati (*1), M. Francolini (*2)

*2: Formerly SIART, SRL

Abstract: The current European Union (EU) policy aims to increase the use of “green” energies, and within this strategy the exploitation of the geothermal energy is a well promising approach. The European Horizon2020 project GEOFIT (Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting) aims among the others to deploy and to integrate advanced methods of worksite inspection, ground research, and building structural monitoring, drilling and worksite characterization into advanced geothermal based retrofitting methods.
When dealing with “plants of power production”, one needs to develop a Life Cycle Analysis and to apply a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluating any environmental aspects and potential influences throughout the whole life cycle of a product or process or service. The paper first provides a preliminary discussion on this aspect. Then it focuses attention on a pilot site made available within the GEOFIT Consortium. The results from a structural monitoring campaign in this pilot site before and during the drilling operations associated to the implementation of the geothermal power system are presented discussed.

Raw data is available for download here.

GEOFIT: Poster for the Experiment on GHEX characterization (WP3)

GEOFIT is optimizing compact geothermal heat exchangers systems (GHEX) with a more compact design based on a helix. To help establish heat transfer behavior, experiments are being conducted by consortium partner AIT. This poster shows the objective, approach and set-up for this experiment, which belongs to WP3. The subsequent CFD-simulations based on this experimental data will help establish a reliable engineering design tool for the helically based GHEX systems.