Dataset supporting publication: “Environmental sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Historical Buildings: GeoFit Project Implementation in the Case Study of a medieval fortress in Perugia”

Dataset available for download in Zenodo

Dataset supporting publication: “Environmental sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Historical Buildings: GeoFit Project Implementation in the Case Study of a medieval fortress in Perugia” (publication available for download in GEOFIT website)

Italian cities are mainly constituted by buildings constructed until the mid-20th century by pre-industrial construction techniques. A HVAC system for the energy retrofit of historical buildings is evaluated when applied in the case study of Sant’Apollinare. It consists of a ground source heat pump a water tank for thermal energy storage connected to a low-temperature radiant system and air handling unit. The building thermal-energy behavior, typically influenced by thermal inertia in historical buildings, and the novel HVAC system performance interactions are comparatively assessed together with more traditional scenarios. Energy demand decreases by about one third compared to the pre-retrofit situation.


Dataset supporting publication: “Geothermal Power: Monitoring the Building Response During Installation”

Dataset available for download in Zenodo

Dataset supporting publication: ‘GEOFIT: Ground source heat pump systems for energy efficient building retrofitting’ (publication available for download in GEOFIT website)

The European project GEOFIT (Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retrofitting) is gathering more than 20 partners from all around Europe. Its main objective is to deploy and to integrate advanced methods of worksite inspection, ground research, and building structural monitoring, drilling and worksite characterization into advanced geothermal based retrofitting methods. This contribution reports the experimental results to be achieved within GEOFIT at the location of specific case studies. In particular standard accelerometric measurements will be collected and compared with the information collected by the geo-radar system made available by one of the partners. This paper focuses on the structural monitoring of a two-story masonry building. The results of a preliminary data collection in the absence of drilling are also reported.

Dataset supporting publication: ‘GEOFIT: Ground source heat pump systems for energy efficient building retrofitting’

Dataset available for download in Zenodo

Dataset supporting publication: ‘GEOFIT: Ground source heat pump systems for energy efficient building retrofitting’ (publication available for download in GEOFIT website)

The integration of geothermal systems for heating / cooling solutions in conjunction with heat pump technology is a major challenge, particularly in the case of renovation. In order to find the best solution for the increased flow temperatures compared to a new building for the renovation, various heat pump configurations are evaluated according to energy and economic criteria. A refrigerant with low greenhouse gas potential (GWP) is used as the working medium, e.g. R1234ze (E)) less than 10 used. A favorable refrigeration circuit configuration for high flow temperatures is a twin-circuit system, which essentially consists of two heat pumps with different condensing temperatures and the same evaporation temperatures. An alternative to this is a single-stage configuration with a significantly larger condenser for improved supercooling. Both systems should enable efficient operation when renovating buildings.

Dataset supporting publication: Erdwärmepumpen für die energieeffiziente Gebäudesanierung

Dataset available for download in Zenodo

Dataset supporting publication: Erdwärmepumpen für die energieeffiziente Gebäudesanierung (publication available for download in GEOFIT website)

Die Integration von Erdwärmesystemen für Heiz-/Kühllösungen in Zusammenspiel mit der Wärmepumpentech-nologie ist speziell im Sanierungsfall eine große Herausforderung. Um für den Sanierungsfall die beste Lösung für die erhöhten Vorlauftemperaturen im Vergleich zu einem Neubau zu finden, werden verschiedene Wärmepum-penkonfigurationen nach energetischen und wirtschaftlichen Kriterien bewertet. Als Arbeitsmedium wird ein Kältemittel mit niedrigem Treibhausgaspotential (engl. GWP), z.B. R1234ze(E)) kleiner als 10, verwendet. Eine günstige Kältekreiskonfiguration für hohe Vorlauftemperaturen ist ein Zweikreissystem (Twin-cycle), das im We-sentlichen aus zwei Wärmepumpen mit unterschiedlichen Verflüssigungstemperaturen und gleichen Verdamp-fungstemperaturen besteht. Eine Alternative dazu ist eine einstufige Konfiguration (Single-stage) mit einem deutlich größeren Kondensator zur verbesserten Unterkühlung. Beide Systeme sollen bei der Gebäudesanierung einen effizienten Betrieb ermöglichen.