Pilot Sites
GEOFIT is being successfully implemented in 5 pilot sites in Ireland, Italy, France, and Spain. The demonstration sites are open case studies representing various climates and situations found throughout Europe, with different building types and different soil conditions.

ARAN ISLANDS (IRELAND) / Residential Building
KILLEANY COTTAGES, HOUSE N. 9 / Retrofit case study demonstrating energy savings and increased quality of life (comfort conditions). The LTH system will be evaluated by multiple connection scenarios with HP, e.g. with inverter HP running by partial loads to minimize the energy bills and maximize advantages of LTH storage effect.
Manager: CFO.
Industrial Partners Involved: IDP, ILECO, OCHS, COMS, UPO, R2M.
Innovation Level: 2.

Pilot description
Location: Aran Islands, Ireland.
Typology / Use: Residential / Dwelling
Year of Construction: 1922 (additions to dwelling have been constructed afterwards)
Area: 117 m2
Geofit Area: The whole house.
Climate Condition: North temperate climate.
HVAC System: 21 kW diesel boiler (for both heating and DHW) and coal stove. 9 aluminium radiators with individual on/off control.
Geological Data: Karst limestone with very shallow soil
Total energy consumption: Electricity 45.784 kWh; gasoil 11.722,2 kWh (about 1.100l); coal 20.668 kWh.
Previous retrofitting works: None.

Geofit System
Drilling/excavation: Improved vertical drilling.
Number of Boreholes: 1; Depth: 120
Ground source heat pump: commercial electrically driven HP (6kW).
Operation strategy: ground-source heat pump covers base load and existing coal stove only used for peak demand.
Underfloor heating system, with radiators available as backup for peak demand..
Retrofitting : envelope insulation and low temperature heating geothermal (LTH) system (floor heating + ventilation + heat recovery). The LTH system is featured with high modularity with extreme low height design, which provides users with space savings and easy installation.
BEMS: Intelligent layer on top of the ecoSCADA GW already installed during pre-intervention phase.