New Public Deliverable: “Geothermal – IDM for Drilling Processes”



Deliverable by IDP

GEOFIT project creates the perfect interaction environment bringing together a set of different disciplines, technologies, knowledge and innovation. One of the main achievements of the project is to create a seven-dimension BIM model covering different aspects like design, planning, programming, installation and deployment, monitoring, simulating, and life cycle and costs management of a building geothermal retrofitting project.

Before the GEOFIT project integration in a building information model (BIM), one of the most critical stages is the drilling works and they must be defined within the BIM context. To do that, it is paramount to identify the capacity to collect relevant information during drilling processes to create a suitable BIM model which may be included together will all the GEOFIT project tasks. All the geothermal aspects are enough comprehensive for semantic models required by BIM technology. Therefore, during drilling, it is expected to know its semantics in terms of information production and work flows to combine it in a multi semantic model under proper standards. This must be done by using an Information Delivery Manual (IDM). An IDM production is the objective of deliverable 2.1 “Geothermal IDM for Drilling Processes” within the GEOFIT WP2 context – Ground Research, work site inspection and improved drilling technologies – and it will lead to the suitable application of the IDM methodology, in first place, to create a GEOFIT project framework, reusable and adaptable for different practical configurations within the project, and in second place, to contribute to the international decision making forums and experts groups within the building industry. This methodology is clearly needed to document processes and to describe the associated information that have to be exchanged between parties (project partners and subcontractors). It is important to state the fact that the output would be able to be used afterwards to specify a more detailed specification that would form the basis for software application processes.

Within D2.1 we have discovered that the main obstacle at the beginning of considering drilling process, has been the lack of easy to understand literature that in particular have informed the domain experts about the required steps during drilling works.

Deliverable 2.1 represents a challenge to develop a more easy to use guideline to be tested during the IDM methodology deployment in parallel to drilling works within the GEOFIT project. The Figure below summarizes this strategy and it can be thought as instrumental to getting basic and common understanding of the overall process. Now GEOFIT partners may contribute it back to the project first, and in second place to the international community in buildingSMART and ISO/TC184/SC13, improved methodology for IDM (ISO 29481-1) and to the international standardization community, ISO/TC59/SC13 “Organization of information about construction works”. If D2.1 reaches the certification approval, after submitted to buildingSMART International for consideration, it can be an international template for similar exchange scenarios beyond drilling.

Download the deliverable here:

D.2.1 Geothermal – IDM for Drilling Processes

Dôvodom je cena týchto liekov, ktorá môže bez poistenia presiahnuť 1 000 USD mesačne. “Pacienti nemusia mať [poistné] krytie, a tak, ak sa rozhodnú ich použiť, často platia z vlastného vrecka,” povedala informácie Dr. Veronica Johnsonová, špecialistka na obezitológiu v Northwestern Medicine, pre ABC News. “A náklady sa môžu pohybovať od 1 000 do 1 500 dolárov mesačne.”